Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) has from its inception consistently adheres to the principles of good corporate governance and emphasis on operating its business with fairness and transparency.

Therefore, the Company intends to explicitly declare and publicly disclose the Company’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (“ABAC”) developed as part of HDC’s commitment to integrity and sustainable way of doing business. The ABAC is aligned with all relevant laws and regulations, including the National Anti-Corruption Plan (“NACP”) and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009.

Through the ABAC, the Company holds a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption including but not limited to bribery, kickbacks, or corruption directly or indirectly through third parties, whether or not explicitly prohibited under the ABAC or by the relevant laws and regulations. HDC’s employees are not permitted to give or offer anything of value including gifts, hospitality, or entertainment to anyone for the purpose of improperly obtaining or retaining a business or personal advantage except otherwise governed by the policy. The ABAC is to ensure strict compliance to all anti-corruption regulatory requirements and laws when conducting business.

This ABAC applies to HDC and its stakeholders which include the directors, employees, business associates, members of public (where relevant) and all parties involved directly or indirectly in the affairs of the Company and they are required to strictly adhere to the policy in carrying out and discharging their responsibilities.

HDC pledges its full commitment to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and expects its employees to observe the same. Hence, should you have any knowledge of, have reasonable belief the existence of an attempted, suspected or actual bribery and reason to suspect any violation of the policy and the related laws, you are expected to report it in good faith via the following channels:

• Email to
• SPRM Hotline: 1-800-88-6000



ABAC is formulated in accordance with the provisions under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009: Act 694, Sec9on 17A of the MACC (Amendment) Act 2018: Act A1567 and all other relevant laws. This Policy sets out HDC’s zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery, corruption and any other non-regulatory compliance related risks.


Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy clearly describes HDC’s approach to Anti-Bribery and Corruption and aims to;

a. To foster the growth of a business environment that is free of corruption;
b. Ensure that all opportunities on corruption and any action in relation to bribery, conflict of interest, malpractice, abuse of power could be effectively and efficiently addressed; and
c. Ensure compliance with all applicable anti-corruption regulatory requirements when conducting business.


a. Applies to HDC and its stakeholders which include:

  1. Directors;
  2. Employees.
  3. Business Associates (BA) comprises of customers, vendors, contractors, consultants, agents, outsourcing providers, solicitors, investors and valuers; and
  4. All parties involved directly or indirectly in the affairs of the Company.

b. Applies to members of the public, where relevant.

Policy Statement

  1. HDC holds a zero-tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption. All employees, business associates and individuals acting on behalf of The Company should be responsible for maintaining the HDC’s reputation by conducting the business honestly and ethically.
  2. The Company will not tolerate bribery, kickbacks or corruption directly or indirectly through third parties, whether or not explicitly prohibited by this policy or by laws. HDC’s employees are not permitted to give or offer anything of value including gifts, hospitality, or entertainment except otherwise governed by this policy to anyone for the purpose of improperly obtaining or retaining a business or personal advantage.

Types of Bribery and Corruption


If there is any suspected or actual bribery and/or corruption incident, it must be reported in good faith via the following channels:
i. Email to
ii. SPRM Hotline: 1-800-88-6000.


All Business Associates are required to strictly adhere to the procedures outlined in the ABAC when dealing with HDC.