14 Aug Uncategorized HDC and MAHTEC Collaborate To Elevate Malaysia’s Halal Hospitality Industry 16/08/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram The Halal Development Corporation (HDC) and the Malaysian Association of Hotels Training and Education Center (MAHTEC) have signed a Me...Continue reading
14 Aug Uncategorized HDC, MAHTEC Partner To Boost Halal Ecosystem In Malaysia’s Hospitality Sector 16/08/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram The Halal Development Corporation (HDC) and the Malaysian Association of Hotels Training and Education Center (MAHTEC) have officially ...Continue reading
13 Aug Uncategorized Republic of Tatarstan and Malaysia Continue Strengthening Halal Industry 14/08/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram The Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) today had the honor of hosting His Excellency Rustam. N. Minnikhanov, Rais of the Republ...Continue reading
13 Aug News, News, News, News, News, News, News, News, News, News HDC Hosts Tatarstan’s Rais To Boost Halal Industry Ties 14/08/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram The Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) hosted His Excellency Rustam N. Minnikhanov, Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, and his ...Continue reading
07 Aug Uncategorized HYT teams up with HDC to support Malaysia’s halal sector 12/08/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram KUALA LUMPUR: HYT Cross Border Sdn Bhd has partnered with Halal Development Corporation Bhd (HDC) to support the development of the hal...Continue reading
30 Jul Uncategorized Malaysia set to help others build halal ecosystem 31/07/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram IPOH: Malaysia is ready to assist and collaborate with other countries to build a robust halal ecosystem and collectively tap into this...Continue reading
07 Jul Uncategorized Eksport halal Malaysia bernilai RM54 bilion pada 2023 08/07/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram KUANTAN: Nilai eksport bagi industri halal negara pada tahun lalu mencecah RM54 bilion, kata Menteri Pelaburan, Perdagangan dan Industr...Continue reading
16 Jun Uncategorized HDC shares Malaysia’s expertise in halal industry with other Asean countries 08/07/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram PETALING JAYA: Halal Development Corporation Bhd (HDC) is taking a proactive step to fast-track the halal industry’s development within...Continue reading
14 Jun Uncategorized HDC Leads Halal Industry Knowledge Transfer Across ASEAN 08/07/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Petaling Jaya, 14 June 2024 : The Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) is taking a proactive step to fast-track halal industry’s...Continue reading
27 May Uncategorized HDC Halal Knowledge Centre (HKC) meningkatkan penguasaan pengetahuan dan kefahaman industri halal 08/07/2024 By user Facebook Twitter Pinterest linkedin Telegram Halal Knowledge Centre (HKC) atau Pusat Pengetahuan Halal adalah sebuah pusat rujukan halal utama yang telah ditubuhkan sejak 2009 yang...Continue reading