Under industry development; we advise the government on Halal industry strategic direction, coordinate the implementation of action plans, provide industry intelligence, facilitate industry growth and promote the “Halal Malaysia” brand to achieve effective industry ecosystem based on the following focus areas.
Improving Governance Mechanism.
The Malaysia’s Halal ecosystem is huge. There are more than 300 institutions (e.g. ministries, agencies, associations etc.) who are actively engaging and implementing programs, activities etc. for the Halal industry players.
We play a vital role in coordinating these efforts; and in providing directions and supports where necessary to ensure delivery systems, industry solutions, resources, programs and activities are managed and implemented effectively.
Key initiatives: –
1. MPIH Secretariat
2. HIMP 2030
3. HALMAS Halal Parks
4. Halal Integrity
Creating New and Bigger Market Space.
The global Halal market size is growing and is expected to reach USD 3.0 trillion by 2023. This has opened a new window of opportunity to many industry stakeholders globally.
One of our important task is to conduct research in order to identify and evaluate the Halal products and services and their potential in various markets or distribution channels. We will then work with lead ministries and agencies (e.g. MATRADE, MIDA etc.) to establish linkages or strategic cooperation that can open up new trade or investment opportunities.
Leveraging on Malaysia’s experience in developing the Halal industry; We are also set to take the lead in promoting the “Halal Malaysia” brand to increase awareness, acceptance and demand for Halal products and services globally.
Key initiatives: –
1. Market and Product Intelligence
2. G2G Cooperation
3.“Halal Malaysia” brand
Fostering Industry Competitiveness.
From about 8,924 Halal certified companies; only 21% (or 1,876 companies) are exporting or involved in the global supply value chain. In order to meet the increasing global demand for Halal products and services, it is imperative for Malaysia to focus on building competitive, productive and innovative enterprises in the key Halal promoted sectors.
We support this objective by working closely with both public (e.g. ministries, agencies etc.) and private (e.g. MNCs, LLCs etc.) sectors to develop “home-grown Halal champions”. Direct interventions (e.g. grants) are provided to selected high performance Malaysian owned companies to connect them into the global supply chain (i.e. internationalization).
Under the I-CONNECT program (under MOSTI), HDC has also been tasked as the Neutral-entity to coordinate industry demand driven research work to identify gaps; hence the solution for industry players in both domestic and global Halal supply chain.
Key initiatives: –
1. LLCs/MNCs – SMEs Partnership
2. Home-Grown Halal Champion
3. I-CONNECT’s Neutral-entity
Empowering Thought Leadership.
With more than 40 years experience in Halal, Malaysia has pioneered the development of Halal industry and has become the reference center for more than 150 countries. The country’s thought leadership in Halal has provided opportunities to our Halal knowledge workers, executives, professionals (subject matter experts) and institutions to render their services globally.
We support the industry by consolidating, analyzing and disseminating value added knowledge about Halal through various channels to individuals, companies, associations, agencies or governments.
In addition, as the Industry Lead Body (ILB) in Halal talent development, HDC was tasked to ensure a proper mechanism is in place to help the talent in the career growth.
Key initiatives: –
1. Industry Lead Body (ILB)
2. Halal Knowledge Centre (HKC) 2.0
3. Halal Datawarehouse